
#1: Intro


Episode 1 - Intro - The many roads to success

A few years ago it was said that George W. Bush claimed that “the problem with the French is that they don’t have a word for entrepreneur.”  Even though he didn’t say this (and sure, we had to confirm this on Snopes because it does sound like something he could have blurted out) it’s fair to say this was the general stereotype by many outside of France and even some inside France too!

So how true is this today?  While being a startup entrepreneur is not as much a part of the culture in France as it is in the US, everything is changing.  Those who used to rush off to London or Silicon Valley are now seeing that yes, it’s possible to stay in France and enjoy success.

Even the word “success” is loaded because there is no single right answer.  Success is whatever you define success to be.  Is it being rich?  Is it doing something positive for the world?  Is it finding work-life balance?  There is no right answer, it’s whatever you want it to be.

Along those lines, how do you achieve success with a startup?  Do you mirror Silicon Valley, where financial success is plentiful?  Despite the claims of some, there really is no single path to success.

Can other parts of the world learn from Silicon Valley.  Of course, but there is plenty of both good and bad.  Does one model from a specific region in the US translate everywhere?  Hardly!  Even in the US there are many models and many startup success stories in places outside of Silicon Valley.

Before jumping into the many great discussions with startup people and industry experts, we want to provide you with a brief introduction to ourselves and what we will be talking about moving forward.  Instead of bloviating or pontificating, our goal is to engage in fun and interesting discussions with startup people.

From our perspective, listening and learning from others is the best way forward.  Maybe your focus is different from ours or our guests, but listening to others can help move forward with developing your own success.  Even when we choose another path, listening to others helps develop our own methods.

When you’re a larger company and have plenty of money available, it’s easy to find experts and get advice.  When you’re getting started and money is tight, access to experts is much more difficult.  By listening to others who have gone through this experience, you can hear that others have faced exactly the same issues as you.

We hope that it will help you think more about the decisions you make, these discussions have already helped us change our mind on a few points.  Keep an open mind and learn along with us.